3 Common Attraction Strategy Challenges and How to Overcome Them

So you have your website in place, have a few long-form content topics, and are ready to launch your attraction strategy with a blog, podcast, or video channel. That’s huge and I just want to say congratulations! Today we are going to chat about just three things that might become challenges throughout this process and how you can overcome them so that you can start off with a bang and keep on going. Sounds like something you need? Well then let’s get started.

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3 Common Attraction Strategy Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Well hey there and welcome to another episode of the Mama Business Podcast. I’m your host, Sarah Brumley, and I’m really happy you’re here with me today. Over the past few weeks we’ve been digging deep into the first foundational element of a successful organic marketing strategy and that is the attraction strategy. As you’ve come to learn, this is how a potential client goes from not knowing you at all to knowing who you are and wanting to know more or even potentially wanting to work with you right away.

As a quick recap, an attraction strategy includes:

  • Knowing exactly who your potential client is and how you serve them. We talked about that in episode 97.
  • Having a website that clearly speaks to your potential client’s pain points and needs. We talked about that in episode 98.
  • Having a long-form content strategy that enables search engines to send you leads over and over again. That content strategy could be a blog, a podcast, a video channel or any combination of those. We talked about that in episode 99.

…and if you want to know why you should consider an attraction strategy at all, you can find that in episode 96.

Today we are wrapping up our discussion about building an attraction strategy. And obviously this entire podcast is geared toward helping you grow your online business – so this won’t be the last we chat about it, but I do want to help you build the solid foundation, so we will be jumping into the next foundational element – the nurture strategy – when we return next week

But as with any strategy we implement in business or at home or in life in general, we know that there can and will be obstacles to success. So today I want to clarify three challenges you might encounter when it comes to implementing your attraction strategy and how you can prepare for them or avoid them entirely.

Challenge #1: Remaining Consistent

The first and most common challenge that business owners face when they are implementing an attraction strategy is simply remaining consistent.

When it comes to gaining momentum with search engines, it’s critical to maintain consistency as much as possible. Not only does this mean that your potential clients will see you as dependable and someone that they can trust to show up for them, but it shows Google and any other search platform the exact same thing.

So what should you aim for? Well, I recommend to clients that they start off with 3 to 4 pieces of content shared on their blog, podcast, or video channel. That means that you create those 3 to 4 pieces of content and publish them all on your launch date. Of course, that’s not absolutely necessary, but by doing so it allows those who find you right away to have a few things to look at. Remember – each touch point matters, so give them something to engage with.

From that point forward, I recommend a minimum of one piece of content produced each week. You may find that you have seasons when you can produce more than that – and that’s great – if so, take advantage of it and push as much out as possible. But make sure that you aren’t setting yourself up for failure in weeks to come. Sometimes it’s better to schedule those pieces of content out as you go so that if you have an off week or a really busy season, you still have content being published.

Remaining consistent is a challenge if you don’t have a plan in place. So the best way to combat this challenge is to simply make a plan:

  • When will you publish?
  • When will you create the content?
  • When will you research the content?
  • When will you plan the content?

…you get the picture. Start with the publish date and then back up your to-do list so that you meet your goal.

Benjamin Franklin put it well when he said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

So, prepare ahead of time with a really clear plan for how you’ll succeed.

That’s challenge #1.

Challenge #2: Producing Engaging (And Unique) Content

The second challenge business owners face is producing engaging and unique content. Now we talked about this a lot in episode 97 and I gave you some questions to ask about your ideal client and what they are searching for. So, if you missed that one, you can definitely check it out – episode 97.

This challenge doesn’t normally affect those just starting out with an attraction strategy. At the beginning we have tons of ideas, right? We’ve done our research and we know exactly what our potential client needs to hear from us.

But as we get further along in the process, it can become easy to forget. To feel like the waters are a bit muddy and we aren’t sure what direction to take. Or, maybe we feel like we’ve already covered the topic in it’s entirety. No you haven’t – so don’t believe that for a minute.

The key here is to start off right at the beginning keeping a list of the topics, of the subtopics that you can speak to. And then, the second part of this is to revisit those conversations with your potential ideal clients. Ask them what their concerns are, what they are struggling with, what they want to know more about. And then answer those questions from your own unique perspective.

If you do that – you’ll always have unique and engaging content that your potential clients will be drawn to.

Challenge #3: Slow Initial Traction

The final challenge I’m going to talk about today is a hard one – it’s the challenge of dealing with and being patient around slow initial traction. You see, an attraction strategy like the one we’ve created takes time to build, but it snowballs month after month which means that once it gets some momentum – it’s off to the races.

So patience is critical. With my own clients I always let them know that they need to give it 3-6 months to start seeing that traction. And you know what, a lot of them see it much sooner, but that’s a fair time frame to start seeing some real growth. So, put the plan in action and patiently wait for the results.

I think a lot of times we want to rush this process – for one reason or another. Maybe we want to prove to ourselves or our spouses that we can do it, or maybe we desperately need the money, or whatever it might be, but the key here really is patience.

And I’d like to remind you that you might want those clients to come to you right now, but do you have everything else set up in your business so that you can make it a great experience for them? Obviously it won’t have to be perfect, but if you don’t have those systems in place, it can be downright frustration.

Normally those first few clients – we learn from them – from what DOESN’T work, more often than not. So, be okay with that slow growth so that you can create a foundation of systems and strategy that will work for you long-term. You know, like when your business growth blows up and you’ve got a waiting list of clients begging to work with you?

So be patient with that slow initial traction. You’re growing in your knowledge and ability and your business growth will follow.

Take Action: Overcoming Attraction Strategy Challenges

And that brings us to the action part of this episode. And we all know that action is where the dreams turn into the reality. And today’s action step is this:

ACTION: Take a few moments to contemplate your content strategy and how you will create consistent, unique content going forward. If you haven’t yet, it’s time to put together a schedule of how you will get that content produced and when it will be published each week. And then, if you haven’t done so yet, get those first few pieces of content ready for launch. Because, the sooner you start, the sooner you grow.

As always, if you need help with any part of this, feel free to schedule a Mama Business Strategy Session by heading over to sarahbrumley.com/strategy. Together we can troubleshoot anything that’s holding you back, put a plan in place for the future, and get you on your way to business growth like you’ve never seen before. Once again that’s sarahbrumley.com/strategy.

Whatever you decide, Mama, just know that I’m cheering you on! You’ve got this! Have an amazing day and I’ll chat with you again next time.

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